Brand new book for entrepreneurs reveals…



NO sending cold emails, NO sending friend requests, NO sending DMs…and absolutely NO BEGGING for work!

Brand new book for entrepreneurs reveals…



NO sending cold emails, NO sending friend requests, NO sending DMs…

and absolutely NO BEGGING for work!

Dear reader,

In the hands of the serious, committed and hungry entrepreneurthis book is a weapon.

It will give you access to a new world.

A new world where you will start making a lot of money very fast.

ENOUGH money that you will never have a cash flow problem.

ENOUGH money to travel to different countries, book nice hotels and eat at nice places whenever you want.

ENOUGH money to build a fun social life, go on nice vacations with friends, and develop quality friendships.

And more importantly... you'll have a LOT of money to spend on your passions, on self-improvement and doing whatever you love.

You will learn ONE simple thing: "How to make clients chase you & pay you a lot of money"

That's it.

Even if you currently have very little money, and limited access to financial resources... no problem.

If you have ambition, willpower, and the hunger to succeed...

That is enough..

This book will teach you how to make clients chase you. Period.

Clients will come asking you for help, and pay you a lot of money for it.

But here's the good part...

You will NOT have to send a million emails, you will NOT have to DM people... and you will certainly NOT have to cold call anybody (lol)

In fact, you will NOT even have to run Ads if you don't want to.

Even if you have 0 marketing budget, 0 contacts, 0 email lists (and 0 friends)...

You will STILL quickly get new clients and build an insanely profitable business.

I want you to ignore the noise around you…

Get clear about what you want…

Pay attention: Only YOU control your destiny. Only you can decide how you want to live your life.

Decide exactly how much money you want to make, and follow the strategies in this book.

This book will teach you how to make maximum money in minimum time.

This is not some F*kn BS. I have done it myself. And I have learned from the masters who came before me.

My masters taught me the rules of internet money.

There is unlimited money on the internet, and there are unlimited clients for you.

But you will NOT get these clients if you don't know what to do...

Knowledge is power.

And it is this knowledge specifically, that will give you tremendous power.

For the first time in your life, you will have control.

You will be able to control your wealth creation on your terms.

The level of control I am talking about, you have not yet experienced.

The control to attract as many clients as you want, whenever you want, and get paid very well for it.

And when you do attain this level of control, and make the kind of money you always dreamed of...

... You will have the ability to do it again and again and again. Ultimate control - That's what this book is about.

The more you use the strategies in this book, the richer your life will be in wealth, status, free time and abundance.

Let me show you how…

Dear reader,

In the hands of the serious, committed and hungry entrepreneurthis book is a weapon.

It will give you access to a new world.

A new world where you will start making a lot of money very fast.

ENOUGH money that you will never have a cash flow problem.

ENOUGH money to travel to different countries, book nice hotels and eat at nice places whenever you want.

ENOUGH money to build a fun social life, go on nice vacations with friends, and develop quality friendships.

And more importantly... you'll have a LOT of money to spend on your passions, on self-improvement and doing whatever you love.

You will learn ONE simple thing: "How to make clients chase you & pay you a lot of money"

That's it.

Even if you currently have very little money, and limited access to financial resources... no problem.

If you have ambition, willpower, and the hunger to succeed...

That is enough..

This book will teach you how to make clients chase you. Period.

Clients will come asking you for help, and pay you a lot of money for it.

But here's the good part...

You will NOT have to send a million emails, you will NOT have to DM people... and you will certainly NOT have to cold call anybody (lol)

In fact, you will NOT even have to run Ads if you don't want to.

Even if you have 0 marketing budget, 0 contacts, 0 email lists (and 0 friends)...

You will STILL quickly get new clients and build an insanely profitable business. I want you to ignore the noise around you… and get clear about what you want.

Pay attention: Only YOU control your destiny. Only you can decide how you want to live your life.

Decide exactly how much money you want to make, and follow the strategies in this book.

This book will teach you how to make maximum money in minimum time.

This is not some F*kn BS. I have done it myself. And I have learned from the masters who came before me.

My masters taught me the rules of internet money. There is unlimited money on the internet, and there are unlimited clients for you.

But you will NOT get these clients if you don't know what to do...

Knowledge is power.

And it is this knowledge specifically, that will give you tremendous power.

For the first time in your life, you will have control. You will be able to control your wealth creation on your terms.

The level of control I am talking about, you have not yet experienced.

The control to attract as many clients as you want, whenever you want, and get paid very well for it.

And when you do attain this level of control, and make the kind of money you always dreamed of...

... You will have the ability to do it again and again and again. Ultimate control - That's what this book is about.

The more you use the strategies in this book, the richer your life will be in wealth, status, free time and abundance.

Let me show you how…

How I Use A Simple Strategy That Brings In $25,000-$30,000 Per Month In Revenue Like Clockwork.

I'm going to teach you the exact strategies, marketing tactics, and methods that I use to start and grow new businesses with no money, no loans, no investors and no favors.

Build capital from scratch first, then invest in Ads later to scale.

That’s how it should be. And I will teach you how to do it in this book.

How I Use A Simple Strategy That Brings In $25,000-$30,000 Per Month In Revenue Like Clockwork.

I'm going to teach you the exact strategies, marketing tactics, and methods that I use to start and grow new businesses with no money, no loans, no investors and no favors.

Build capital out of thin air first, then invest in Ads later to scale.

That’s how it should be. And I will teach you how to do it in this book.

My name is Arnav Srivastv

(Pic courtesy: My wife. Location: Empire State Bldg. New York City. 2022)

Here's a little bit about me.

I own a very successful marketing agency called Syncom Media, that I started from scratch.

No funnels, no cold emails, no cold calls, no contacts and no outside help...

Yet, in 3 years I closed 200 clients...

Each client roughly pays me $20k-$25k per year... so you can do the math.

And my clients pay me upfront!

My clients are top private equity funds, home remodeling companies, enterprise software consultants etc etc.

Although, when I first started, I had no money, no website, no ads... BUT I quickly got to $20,000/per month.

Within 6-8 months I had collected $136,000 in cold hard cash from my clients.

And to be honest, I spent $0 to make that $136k.

AFTER I hit $20k/month, I took some money out of that cash flow... and invested into Facebook Ads.

I scaled my business using Facebook Ads... but ONLY after I first generated $136,000 out of thin air.

And here's the thing... I NEVER reached out to anyone asking for work...

People reached out to me asking me for my help.

This somehow ALWAYS shocks people.

Because when you're first starting out, you've been taught to SPAM.

❌ Spamming includes mass cold emailing, cold calling, sending unsolicited friend requests, DMing & sending offers to people who don't know you!

Or, you're told to rely on your network, your social circle, your friends and family, to put the word out for you.

Or, you're told to go to networking events, socialize more, meet more people and expand your network.

YET.. I did NONE OF THIS! (lol)

Instead, I used a specific system that automatically escalated my worth.

I used a 50-year old marketing technique to attract unlimited clients.

So instead of me chasing prospects... they were chasing me!

Instead of me initiating contact... they would contact me!

And they would not just contact me, they would have their wallets open - ready to pay me!

And I know this is EXACTLY what you want, or you wouldn't be reading this.

So that's what I'm going to teach you.

My name is Arnav Srivastv

Here's a little bit about me.

I own a very successful marketing agency called Syncom Media, that I started from scratch.

No funnels, no cold emails, no cold calls, no contacts and no outside help...

Yet, in 3 years I closed 200 clients...

Each client roughly pays me $20k-$25k per year... so you can do the math.

And my clients pay me upfront!

My clients are top private equity funds, home remodeling companies, enterprise software consultants etc etc.

Although, when I first started, I had no money, no website, no ads... BUT I quickly got to $20,000/per month.

Within 6-8 months I had collected $136,000 in cold hard cash from my clients.

And to be honest, I spent $0 to make that $136k.

AFTER I hit $20k/month, I took some money out of that cash flow... and invested into Facebook Ads.

I scaled my business using Facebook Ads... but ONLY after I first generated $136,000 out of thin air.

And here's the thing... I NEVER reached out to anyone asking for work...

People reached out to me asking me for my help.

Here are the main points of this book

  • You only need a laptop, an internet connection, and a Zoom account.

  • You do not need any financial investment to get started.

  • You do not need to pay for any softwares or tools to get started.

  • You don't have to hire a team or any VAs to get started

  • You do NOT have to run Ads to get started with this system.

  • You can work from anywhere - your house, a retreat or any vacation spot. You just need to make sure you have access to the internet.

  • With this method, you can earn $10k.. $15k.. $20k.. and in some cases even $30k/per month (depending on how you wish to use my model).

  • You DO NOT have to cold outreach prospects. There is NO cold emailing, no cold calling, and no such outbound methods involved in this system.

  • With this system clients find you, they message you, and they initiate contact with you.

  • The clients you get are extremely high quality, motivated, and ready to pay.

  • With this method you collect money upfront, so there is no question of delayed payments.

Since PERFECTING this system...

... taking any new business from 0 to $20,000-$30,000 per month, now takes me 60-90 days.

And when you turn on Facebook Ads... $5,000 per day becomes normal.

And that is exactly what I will teach you in this book.

That means, if you provide ANY type of service, coaching, agency work or productized services...

and if you use the system outlined in this book, your life will completely transform.


... You could be a web developer or you could be a graphic designer.

... You could own a media agency or provide an accounting & tax service.

... You could be a wealth consultant or a legal professional (lawyer).

... You could be a music teacher or photographer.

... You could be a real estate agent or you could be a mortgage broker.

... You could be a fitness trainer, meditation coach, public speaking coach, local service provider...

It doesn’t matter. As long as you provide a service people need...

... You will make a LOT of money very fast – if you use the strategies outlined in this book.

This somehow ALWAYS shocks people.

Because when you're first starting out, you've been taught to SPAM.

  • Spamming includes mass cold emailing, cold calling, sending unsolicited friend requests, DMing & sending offers to people who don't know you!

  • Or, you're told to rely on your network, your social circle, your friends and family, to put the word out for you.

  • Or, you're told to go to networking events, socialize more, meet more people and expand your network.

YET.. I did NONE OF THIS! (lol)

Instead, I used a specific system that automatically escalated my worth.

I used a 50-year old marketing technique to attract unlimited clients.

So instead of me chasing prospects... they were chasing me!

Instead of me initiating contact... they would contact me!

And they would not just contact me, they would have their wallets open - ready to pay me!

And I know this is EXACTLY what you want, or you wouldn't be reading this.

So that's what I'm going to teach you.

Here are the main points of this book

  • You only need a laptop, an internet connection, and a Zoom account.

  • You do not need any financial investment to get started.

  • You do not need to pay for any softwares or tools to get started.

  • You don't have to hire a team or any VAs to get started

  • You do NOT have to run Ads to get started with this system.

  • You can work from anywhere - your house, a retreat or any vacation spot. You just need to make sure you have access to the internet.

  • With this method, you can earn $10k.. $15k.. $20k.. and in some cases even $30k/per month (depending on how you wish to use my model).

  • You DO NOT have to cold outreach prospects. There is NO cold emailing, no cold calling, and no such outbound methods involved in this system.

  • With this system clients find you, they message you, and they initiate contact with you.

  • The clients you get are extremely high quality, motivated, and ready to pay.

  • With this method you collect money upfront, so there is no question of delayed payments.

Since PERFECTING this system...

... taking any new business from 0 to $20,000-$30,000 per month, now takes me 60-90 days.

And when you turn on Facebook Ads... $5,000 per day becomes normal.

And that is exactly what I will teach you in this book.

That means, if you provide ANY type of service, coaching, agency work or productized services...

and if you use the system outlined for you in this book, your life will completely transform.


... You could be a web developer or you could be a graphic designer.

... You could own a media agency or provide an accounting & tax service.

... You could be a wealth consultant or a legal professional (lawyer).

... You could be a music teacher or a photographer.

... You could be a real estate agent or you could be a mortgage broker.

... You could be a fitness trainer, meditation coach, public speaking coach, local service provider...

It doesn’t matter. As long as you provide a service people need...

... You will make a LOT of money very fast, if you use the strategies outlined in this book.


Let's check out some of the material and content that you will find inside this book.

This book contains three sections:

1) Fundamentals

2) Technicals

3) Mindset…

There are only 168 pages... so you can finish it in 2-3 days...

... and start applying the strategies immediately

I've shown you how to apply the strategies in a "step-by-step" format.

Let’s explore what's inside...


Let's check out some of the material and content that you will find inside this book.

This book contains three sections.

1) Fundamentals

2) Technicals

3) Mindset…

There are only 168 pages... so you can finish it in 2-3 days...

... and start applying the strategies immediately

I've shown you how to apply the strategies in a "step-by-step" format.

Let’s explore what's inside...



Section 1 of this book explores the fundamental laws of how money is really generated on the internet.

This will reshape your mindset and show you the dark internet secrets of how to make money flow to you.

You will finally see why you DON'T need money to make money.

This is your playbook to generate money out of thin air.

You will learn:

  • How to use the internet to build a business from $0 and become rich from anywhere in the world...

  • Why you will never have to cold DM, never cold email and never cold call anybody for work ever...

  • How to get clients to pay you $3,000 - $5,000 per month for your services by using ONE simple Offer Creation & Sales technique...

  • The roadmap & actionable steps to go from $0 to $20,000+ per month with a handful of clients...

  • How I made $136,000 in cold hard cash WITHOUT spending any money on advertising...

  • Copywriting secrets to become a "client magnet" that attracts rich and wealthy prospects to you...

  • How to organically HACK social media algorithms to get maximum attention from your market...

  • Deep psychology & mindset training that will transform your personality and behavior to attract more wealth & abundance.

  • Secret persuasion tactics that make people want to instantly buy your services and get started...

Section 1 will take you to $20k/month...

... then it's time for section 2 to start learning How To Run Ads!



Section 2 teaches you how to invest in Ads, Funnels and Automations.

You will learn how to run ads on FB and other platforms like a PRO!

This is designed to take your business to $100,000 per month.

You will discover:

  • Ad secrets that turn average business owners into millionaires at the speed of light...

  • The THREE funnels you need to build if you really want to push to $100,000+ per month in cash...

  • The “Million-Dollar” Report Funnel that helps you build a CULT of loyal followers who trust you...

  • The “Seductive” Sales Letter Funnel that brings you rich & wealthy clients that pay you well...

  • The “Super Pumped” Case Study Funnel that turns every $1 spent into $20 back. This is ultimate funnel for 20X ROI...

  • The secret of the "TRIFECTA" and how to create a feedback loop of unlimited clients...

  • How to write Ads that produce millions of dollars in cash flow...

  • How to become insanely profitable with Facebook Ads...

  • How to run retargeting ads like a pro on Google & YouTube...

  • Native Ads, Reddit Ads and other networks...

After section 2 you will be well on your way to UNLIMITED CLIENTS...

Producing $100k/months like clockwork...

Now it's time for section 3 - where you learn how to maintain it all...



Section 3 of this book will give you the tools & resources you need to stay in the game...

Too many entrepreneurs build a great business and then have a hard time maintaining it.

In this section of the book you’ll get the mindset training and vision necessary to be able to stay in business long term.

You will understand:

  • Why you should think big thoughts and HOW that affects your future...

  • How BIG thoughts solve big problems... and how this keeps you in business long term.

  • Success routines of the rich and wealthy, and how you can use them to become rich.

  • How to stay consistent in your efforts and play the long game.


As soon as you start putting these strategies into practice things start moving forward quickly...

By the end of section 1 you will already be attracting prospects.

Clients will approach you and ask you for your help.

By the end of Chapter 6 you should already have signed at least a couple of clients.

You’ll also see an example of how one simple funnel that I built, generated $12M within 1 year...

You'll QUICKLY get to a place in your life where..

  • You are cash rich and have absolute control over generating money for the rest of your life...

  • You'll have high quality clients who pay you well, respect you, and love working with you...

  • Your bank account will grow week over week because of all these new clients coming in...

  • You may even have clients on waitlist (I have a 2 month long waitlist where they've already paid up to $10,500 upfront!)

  • Your clients will pay you upfront... no more getting paid late, no more chasing payments...

  • You will be in control of your destiny, your cash flow and how you want to live your life...

  • You will feel confident & powerful every single day because you finally cracked the formula...

  • You'll notice that everyone suddenly respects you for what you are achieving in your life and business...

  • Everybody starts seeing you as this rare breed of entrepreneur and people start talking about you...

  • Your friends and family start asking you how your life has changed so fast... and want to know your secret.

  • People start looking up to you and asking you for help... you start becoming important to the people around you...

  • You start living a lifestyle that most people only dream of...

  • You have surplus money, surplus free time, freedom to travel and control over your business...

  • You FINALLY go from "trying to figure it out"... to a highly successful entrepreneur...

I experienced ALL OF IT!

And so will you when you buy Unlimited Clients.

... and it WON'T even take months or years... you could literally get results THIS month!

When you close this page you will never see this book again... SO Get it now!

As of right now you can get UNLIMITED CLIENTS for a RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE of only…


Why am I giving all this knowledge away for so cheap?

Look, I just KNOW you will get the results you want with this book.

And when you get results, I will be the one you come to for any marketing advice…

And you’re gonna want to do business with me for years to come…

It's as simple as that.

I offer you EXTREMELY valuable information and guidance for just $5.99 today... and you will remember me for years and years to come.

Everything is CLEARLY outlined for you step-by-step in this book…

You just have to read it and apply it... It doesn’t get easier than this...

All you REALLY need in order to make your dream life a reality…

...all the “SECRETS” you need in order to accelerate your business at full speed...

... all the tactics and methods you need in order to get new clients every week and make a lot of money...

are contained within the pages of this book...

My life started changing SO fast... life just became a LOT more fun...

From business class flights... to expensive vacations... to eating $200 steaks at fancy restaurants...

Things change so fast when you have the power to make money like that..

Here's a shot of my room from the Ritz Carlton hotel in Abu Dhabi...

I travel a LOT now. I'm always exploring different countries...

Whenever I travel I make sure I'm checking into some of finest hotels around the world... I'm a huge fan of Marriott's hospitality and I'm actually a Bonvoy Platinum member...

Here in this photo I had an amazing time at The Ritz Carlton Abu Dhabi.. My room came with a balcony facing the waterfront...

I spent 3 nights here before checking out the newly built Louvre museum...

Here's a shot of me relaxing in the brand new Emirates Business Class - I flew from Dubai to Zanzibar...

One of the biggest lifestyle changes I had, was being able to fly in business class everywhere I go...

It makes a HUGE difference in the way you're treated... as well as the time you save.

This was a 7 hr flight from Dubai to Zanzibar... and I highly recommend experiencing Emirates in business class.

The best part is that I am able to accumulate and spend my Skywards & Marriott Bonvoy points from my client work...

Thus getting better deals on flights & stays too!!

I love spending my time by the pool at various different 5-star resorts with my wife...

My downtime is always at a nice 5-star resort with a pool lounge... which is pretty much every weekend.

Where it's quiet and I can read my book and spend some quality time with my wife.

Here's a picture of me having a nice relaxed time with my wife at the one of the Marriott properties with an open bar and free flowing tapas..

This is usually how I like to unwind after a long week of work...

This has honestly been an awesome lifestyle upgrade for me since growing a successful marketing agency...

I happily spend $200 for Dubai's best Australian Wagyu beef... at my favorite restaurant called Jun's

I love eating great food at high-end and upscale restaurants around the world...

Steaks from Grass-fed beef are my most favorite thing ever and I spend a LOT of money on food.

Here in this photo I dropped $200 for this steak...

... at my favorite restaurant in Dubai called Jun's.

I absolutely loved it, and I make sure I have it every time I go there...

And things will change for you too... once you understand the FUNDAMENTAL LAWS that attract UNLIMITED CLIENTS.

Once you're able to attract clients on demand, and stack money at a rapid rate... life truly becomes a lot of fun. The biggest shift that you notice is - location, time and financial freedom!



When you buy the Unlimited Clients eBook today..

this is what you will learn



The first section of this book explores the fundamental laws of how money is really generated on the internet.

This will reshape your mindset forever, and show you that there is a lot of money out there for the taking.

You don’t need money to make money. And you will understand why.



The second section of this book teaches you how to take a portion of the money you have generated...

and smartly invest it into advertising, and automate your client acquisition.

You will learn Facebook Ads as well as how to run retargeting ads...



The third section teaches you everything about mindset, routines, thoughts, and patterns of the rich & wealthy..

This is crucial knowledge to make sure you sustain your success and stay in business long term.

You will NOT be some "one-hit-wonder" entrepreneur.

You will maintain your success and continue to grow for years to come.


Here are my answers to your most burning questions about this book...

This book is for ANY service based, coaching, consulting, agency or any entrepreneur who has (or WANTS to build) a "High-Ticket Client Business. This is for anyone that is currently making LESS than $10,000 per month.

Unlimited Clients teaches you the strategies and marketing tactics to attract clients to you, so you can build you a highly profitable CLIENT business. It teaches you how to attract clients that pay you well.

This book will always be available. But it may NOT always be avaialble for $5.99. It is likely that I will increase the price to $27 very soon.

However, I like to reward people that take action as soon as they see a good opportunity. So if you're here now, and you really want to change your life, just get it now. It's the cheapest price you will ever see.

And believe me, there is no other book out there like this one :)

First of all it's only 168 pages. So no, it's not a lot to consume.

Secondly, if you cannot spend the time required to acquire knowledge to reshape your financial life, this is not for you.

Please note, success comes from hard work and time invested into putting this knowledge into practice.

No. There are no refunds provided once you purchase. I'm not interested in selling this book to anybody that looks for a refund on $5.99

The strategies and principles outlined in this book work with CERTAINTY. If you do not apply the methods and work hard, you will obviously not get results. That does NOT entitle you to a refund. I encourage a culture of hard work, practice and determination. If you are somebody that half-asses your efforts and looks for a refund, please DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. I am not desperate to sell this. I ONLY want serious people buying this. Again. NO REFUNDS will be provided after purchase.

Are you ready to TRANSFORM your financial life?

If yes, then go ahead and get your copy for just $5.99

Believe me, you will NOT find a book like this ANYWHERE on the market..

It's literally a no-brainer if you want you get absolute control over your income...

Good luck!

- Arnav Srivastv



Section 1 of this book explores the fundamental laws of how money is really generated on the internet.

This will reshape your mindset and show you the dark internet secrets of how to make money flow to you.

You will finally see why you DON'T need money to make money.

This is your playbook to generate money out of thin air.

You will learn:

  • How to use the internet to build a business from $0 and become rich from anywhere in the world...

  • Why you will never have to cold DM, never cold email and never cold call anybody for work ever...

  • How to get clients to pay you

    $3,000 - $5,000 per month for your services by using ONE simple Offer Creation & Sales technique...

  • The roadmap & actionable steps to go from $0 to $20,000+ per month with a handful of clients...

  • How I made $136,000 in cold hard cash WITHOUT spending any money on advertising...

  • Copywriting secrets to become a "client magnet" that attracts rich and wealthy prospects to you...

  • How to organically HACK social media algorithms to get maximum attention from your market...

  • Deep psychology & mindset training that will transform your personality and behavior to attract more wealth & abundance.

  • Secret persuasion tactics that make people want to instantly buy your services and get started...

Section 1 will take you to $20k/month...

... then it's time for section 2 to start learning How To Run Ads!



Section 2 teaches you how to invest in Ads, Funnels and Automations.

You will learn how to run ads on FB and other platforms like a PRO!

This is designed to take your business to $100,000 per month.

You will discover:

  • Ad secrets that turn average business owners into millionaires at the speed of light...

  • The THREE funnels you need to build if you really want to push to $100,000+ per month in cash...

  • The “Million-Dollar” Report Funnel that helps you build a CULT of loyal followers who trust you...

  • The “Seductive” Sales Letter Funnel that brings you rich & wealthy clients that pay you well...

  • The “Super Pumped” Case Study Funnel that turns every $1 spent into $20 back. This is ultimate funnel for 20X ROI...

  • The secret of the "TRIFECTA" and how to create a feedback loop of unlimited clients...

  • How to write Ads that produce millions of dollars in cash flow...

  • How to become insanely profitable with Facebook Ads...

  • How to run retargeting ads like a pro on Google & YouTube...

  • Native Ads, Reddit Ads and other networks...

After section 2 you will be well on your way to UNLIMITED CLIENTS...

Producing $100k/months like clockwork...

Now it's time for section 3 - where you learn how to maintain it all...



Section 3 of this book will give you the tools & resources you need to stay in the game..

Too many entrepreneurs build a great business and then have a hard time maintaining it.

In this section of the book you’ll get the mindset and vision necessary to be able to stay in business long term.

You will undertand:

  • Why you should think big thoughts and HOW that affects your future...

  • How BIG thoughts solve big problems... and how this keeps you in business long term.

  • Success routines of the rich and wealthy, and how you can use them to become rich.

  • How to stay consistent in your efforts and play the long game


As soon as you start putting these strategies into practice things start moving forward quickly...

By the end of section 1 you will already be attracting prospects.

Clients will approach you and ask you for your help.

By the end of Chapter 6 you should already have signed at least a couple of clients

You’ll also see an example of how one simple funnel that I built generated $12M within 1 year...

You'll QUICKLY get to a place in your life where..

  • You are cash rich and have absolute control over generating money for the rest of your life...

  • You'll have high quality clients who pay you well, respect you, and love working with you...

  • Your bank account will grow week over week because of all these new clients coming in...

  • You may even have clients on waitlist (I have a 2 month long waitlist where they've already paid up to $10,500 upfront!)

  • Your clients will pay you upfront... no more getting paid late, no more chasing payments...

  • You will be in control of your destiny, your cash flow and how you want to live your life...

  • You will feel confident & powerful every single day because you finally cracked the formula...

  • You'll notice that everyone suddenly respects you for what you are achieving in your life and business...

  • Everybody starts seeing you as this rare breed of entrepreneur and people start talking about you...

  • Your friends and family start asking you how your life has changed so fast.. and want to know your secret.

  • People start looking up to you and asking you for help... you start becoming important to the people around you...

  • You start living a lifestyle that most people only dream of...

  • You have surplus money, surplus free time, freedom to travel and control over your business...

  • You FINALLY go from "trying to figure it out" to a highly successful entrepreneur...

I experienced ALL OF IT!

And so will you when you buy Unlimited Clients.

... and it WON'T even take months or years... you could literally get results THIS month!

When you close this page you will never see this book again... SO Get it now!

Right now you can get UNLIMITED CLIENTS for a RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE of only…


Why am I giving all this knowledge away for so cheap?

Look, I just KNOW you will get the results you want with this book.

And when you get results, I will be the one you come to for any marketing advice…

And you’re gonna want to do business with me for years to come…

It's as simple as that.

I offer you EXTREMELY valuable information and guidance for $5.99 today... and you will remember me for years and years to come.

Everything is CLEARLY outlined for you step-by-step in this book…

You just have to read it and apply it... It doesn’t get easier than this...

All you REALLY need in order to make your dream life a reality…

...all the “SECRETS” you need in order to accelerate your business at full speed...

... all the tactics and methods you need in order to get new clients every week and make a lot of money......

are contained within the pages of this book...

My life started changing SO fast... life just became a LOT more fun...

From business class flights... to expensive vacations... to eating $200 steaks at fancy restaurants...

Things change so fast when you have the power to make money like that..

Here's a shot of my room from the Ritz Carlton in Abu Dhabi...

I travel a LOT now. I'm always exploring different countries...

Whenever I travel I make sure I'm checking into some of finest hotels around the world... I'm a huge fan of Marriott's hospitality and I'm actually a Bonvoy Platinum member...

Here in this photo I had an amazing time at The Ritz Carlton Abu Dhabi.. My room came with a balcony facing the waterfront...

I spent 3 nights here before checking out the newly built Louvre museum...

Here's a shot of me relaxing in the brand new Emirates Business Class - I flew from Dubai to Zanzibar...

One of the biggest lifestyle changes I had, was being able to fly in business class everywhere I go...

It makes a HUGE difference in the way you're treated... as well as the time you save.

This was a 7 hr flight from Dubai to Zanzibar... and I highly recommend experiencing Emirates in business class.

The best part is that I am able to accumulate and spend my Skywards & Marriott Bonvoy points from my client work...

Thus getting better deals on flights & stays too!!

I love spending my time by the pool at various different 5-star resorts with my wife...

My downtime is always at a nice 5-star resort with a pool lounge... which is pretty much every weekend.

Where it's quiet and I can read my book and spend some quality time with my wife.

Here's a picture of me having a nice relaxed time with my wife at the one of the Marriott properties with an open bar and free flowing tapas..

This is usually how I like to unwind after a long week of work...

This has honestly been an awesome lifestyle upgrade for me since growing a successful marketing agency...

Spent a whopping $200 for Dubai's best Australian Wagyu beef... at my favorite restaurant called Jun's

I love eating great food at high-end and upscale restaurants around the world...

Steaks from Grass-fed beef are my most favorite thing ever and I spend a LOT of money on food.

Here in this photo I dropped $200 for this steak...

... at my favorite restaurant in Dubai called Jun's.

I absolutely loved it, and I make sure I have it every time I go there...

And things will change for you too... once you understand the FUNDAMENTAL LAWS that attract UNLIMITED CLIENTS.

Once you're able to attract clients on demand, and stack money at a rapid rate... life truly becomes a lot of fun.

The biggest shift that you notice is -

location, time and financial freedom!



When you buy the Unlimited Clients eBook today.. this is what you will learn



The first section of this book explores the fundamental laws of how money is really generated on the internet.

This will reshape your mindset forever, and show you that there is a lot of money out there for the taking.

You don’t need money to make money. And you will understand why.



The second section of this book teaches you how to take a portion of the money you have generated...

and smartly invest it into advertising, and automate your client acquisition.



The third section teaches you everything about mindset, routines, thoughts, and patterns of the rich & wealthy..

This is crucial knowledge to make sure you sustain your success and stay in business long term.

You will NOT be some "one-hit-wonder" entrepreneur.

You will maintain your success and continue to grow for years to come.


Here are my answers to your most burning questions about this book...

This book is for ANY service based, coaching, consulting, agency or any entrepreneur who has (or WANTS to build) a "High-Ticket Client Business. This is for anyone that is currently making LESS than $10,000 per month.

Unlimited Clients teaches you the strategies and marketing tactics to attract clients to you, so you can build you a highly profitable CLIENT business. It teaches you how to attract clients that pay you well.

This book will always be available. But it may NOT always be avaialble for $5.99. It is likely that I will increase the price to $27 very soon.

However, I like to reward people that take action as soon as they see a good opportunity. So if you're here now, and you really want to change your life, just get it now. It's the cheapest price you will ever see.

And believe me, there is no other book out there like this one :)

First of all it's only 168 pages. So no, it's not a lot to consume.

Secondly, if you cannot spend the time required to acquire knowledge to reshape your financial life, this is not for you.

Please note, success comes from hard work and time invested into putting this knowledge into practice.

No. There are no refunds provided once you purchase. I'm not interested in selling this book to anybody that looks for a refund on $5.99

The strategies and principles outlined in this book work with CERTAINTY. If you do not apply the methods and work hard, you will obviously not get results. That does NOT entitle you to a refund. I encourage a culture of hard work, practice and determination. If you are somebody that half-asses your efforts and looks for a refund, please DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. I am not desperate to sell this. I ONLY want serious people buying this. Again. NO REFUNDS will be provided after purchase.

Are you ready to TRANSFORM your financial life?

If yes, then go ahead and get your copy for just $5.99

Believe me, you will NOT find a book like this ANYWHERE on the market..

It's literally a no-brainer if you want you get absolute control over your income...

Good luck!

- Arnav Srivastv

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.

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